Tea in the Spirit of Coco Chanel After three days of NYFW — the shows, the lines, the outfits, the even longer lines — I had no desire left to dress myself... Columns 12 Sep 2019 | 03:51
12-Step Help for Sexaholics Yes, dear readers, there is such a group as Sexaholics Anonymous, a 12-step group which needs to be part of the vast coverage... Columns 26 Aug 2019 | 04:32
Searching for sweets It took a bus - For all the fault to be found with the MTA, it's nice to see that each ride or each stop can create a village.... Columns 19 Aug 2019 | 11:18
View of the East River along the walk. Photo: Jon Friedman The loneliness of the long distance walker THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG DISTANCE WALKER By Jon Friedman How has your summer been going? Hasn't it been hot and uncomfortable... Columns 15 Aug 2019 | 01:06
Protest Traffic Violence as Well as Gun Violence! By Bette Dewing Before starting this column, a glance at NY 1 news and once again it’s about Traffic Violence – two speeding... Columns 12 Aug 2019 | 02:32
David Fricke, John Fogerty and Andy Zax (l to r) at 92Y. ( Photo: Rod Morata / Michael Priest Photography) John Fogerty's Woodstock Memories By Jon Friedman John Fogerty, the leader of Creedence Clearwater Revival in the 1960s and 1970s, and a successful solo musician,... Columns 11 Aug 2019 | 03:41
Strivers, Retirees and Chicken Wings Senior sentiments - After reading this column's observance of the proliferation of senior residences in Manhattan, where... Columns 05 Aug 2019 | 02:39
Big Pink, 2013 ( Photo: bobistraveling, via flickr) Woodstock Sojourn: A Day of Peace, Love and Music "No!" The waitress at the Woodstock Pizza Theater could not have been more emphatic as she shot down my statement that it... Columns 02 Aug 2019 | 12:41
Book Culture owner Chris Doeblin ( Photo: Emily Higginbotham) Neighborhoods need bookstores My community bookstore makes me smarter. And sometimes my community bookseller does too. After reading in this newspaper that... Columns 02 Aug 2019 | 12:19
20/20 vision on traffic and music What a swell concert that was! Yup, it was music when “swell” was a prime word of praise. Remember “What a Swell Party This... Columns 02 Aug 2019 | 11:14
UES Senior Housing Boom Senior power — Manhattan may be a mecca for the millennial class but they are getting competition from their elders.... Columns 24 Jul 2019 | 03:00
The author with her daughter in February 2018. Photo: Courtesy of Amanda Berry A MOTHER’S PLEA It’s been almost a year since we lost our daughter, Madison Jane Lyden. She was smart, adventurous and beautiful.... Columns 22 Jul 2019 | 03:20
Family reunions that unite all year Ever feel the talk that matters gets short shrift at family reunions? Indeed, ever feel the talk that matters is often lacking... Columns 17 Jul 2019 | 10:03
Mailboxes and late night noise Reader readback — All in a day’s work; it’s part of the job. In the last issue I observed what I thought... Columns 10 Jul 2019 | 11:24
Photo: Sam Chills via Flckr The Weekly: Must-see TV from the NY Times It is not a stretch to call The Weekly, the new television series from The New York Times, the most important show about... Columns 03 Jul 2019 | 10:07
Cherry Blossoms at Seaport and Disappearing Mailboxes on UES