Businessman Robinson Tries to Unseat Powers in District 4 Race
Early voting starts Oct. 28. Election Day is Nov. 7. Businessman and former Democrat Brian Robinson, in a first political run for office, hopes to unseat incumbent Keith Powers in the City Council’s 4th District in Manhattan.

1) Age, how long in the district and which neighborhood and civic/business and or/political background.
I am a 40 year old father of two, and proud Jewish American. I lived in Midtown east for over 4 years in my twenties and thirties, followed by taking residence downtown, and ultimately moving back to the UES where I had lived previously. I originally began my career at Morgan Stanley as a mutual fund and alternative investment consultant. I later wrote a book about ADHD with a focus on the entrepreneurial and creative traits inherent in those who have it (I have it and my hyperfocus is political advocacy). I started a credit consolidation company in 2009 from my apartment in midtown that eventually grew to 8 employees. In 2022 I sold it to focus on reversing the decline of this great city.
2) Why are you running?
It struck me that regular people are not involving themselves in politics, and the destructive consequences of voter apathy. City council is directly responsible for quality of life. With the vast increase in crime and public safety issues we’ve witnessed since 2019, (just under 40% increase in hard crime) I felt compelled to get involved. Originally, I ran as a moderate Dem to introduce a voice of reason, but I quickly realized, after seeing the inside of the electoral machine on that side, that they will never take public safety seriously. They will not even acknowledge there is a problem at the risk of alienating the far left primary base that funds them. My opponent’s bill to disallow landlords to conduct criminal background checks for leases and purchases of apartments, thereby removing a landlord’s ability to vet our potential neighbors, is an example of this.
3) What do you see as the major issues facing voters in your district and what do you hope to do about it?
Major Issues:
Severely mentally ill people that are a danger to themselves and others must be removed from the streets. A “let it be” mentality has terrorized innocent New Yorkers above and below ground, while doing nothing for possible recovery of those that are heavily drug addicted and in need of psychiatric treatment.
Support the NYPD. I was never a proponent of defunding the police movement. I thought it was impulsive and radical, and the consequences have been disastrous. We need to re-empower the NYPD, those who bring honor to the badge, do their jobs. The way civil servants were demoralized over the years was unacceptable, and our streets less safe because of it.
License and insure motorized vehicles that are causing havoc on our streets and sidewalks. There are e-bikes that go incredibly fast and injure people at a high rate. It’s a small ask that will disempower those who take advantage of the anonymity a lack of a license permits.
Get rid of the illegal cannabis shops.
4) Are you appearing on any other party lines in the upcoming election?
I will be appearing on the Republican and Parent Party Lines
5) What is your stance on COVID vaccines? And what about other vaccinations for measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, et al. Do you think they are medically safe? Should they be required before youngsters can be admitted to NYC schools?
Covid vaccinations do a great job of preventing severe illness, especially amongst those who are most vulnerable due to medical conditions or age. That said, given it does not prevent spread of the virus, and so many have either had Covid, been vaccinated, or both, there is absolutely no reason to mandate the Covid vaccine, particularly as a requirement to send their child to school. It should be a personal choice.
Regarding vaccinations for measles, chicken pox, rubella, mumps, et al, I believe these are medically safe with a long track record of success. It’s reasonable to set as a standard for public schools, unless otherwise advised by a physician. With that said, I believe incorporating migrant children into the public school student population with no known medical history, is dangerous. A 30 day grace period to “start the process” is unacceptable and unlikely to be enforced given how erratic the city’s handling of the migrant crisis has been in general.
6) Anything else we should know about you?
Something you don’t know about me: My wife and I welcomed our second child early in my campaign. We couldn’t be happier.