Out & About
Thu 26
Second Annual Civic Fame Awards, a CityLaw BreakfastNew York Law School, 185 West Broadway.
8:30-9:30 a.m.$0.
CityLaw honors four public servants with exceptional careers at New York Law School’s second annual Civic Fame Awards. NY-1’s Errol Louis hosts.
212-431-2115. www.citylandnyc.org/
First Precinct Community Meeting16 Ericsson Place
6:30 p.m.
The precinct community council meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month except July and August where there are no meetings.
Fri 27
Roberto Bolano and Latin american modernityMcNally-Jackson Books, 52 Prince St.
6-7 p.m.
Oswaldo Zavala, an associate Professor of contemporary Latin American literature at the CUNY Graduate Center and at the College of Staten Island, discusses. Roberto Bolano and the limits of contemporary Latin American literature.
212-274-1160. www.mcnallyjackson.com/event
Reading seminar with Silvia Federici
The Kitchen, 512 West 19th St
2 p.m.
Silvia Federici will discuss the recent work of women in indigenous struggles for land, resources, and political recognition, and against corporate and patriarchal forms of domination. registratin required: publicprograms.isp.2016@gmail.com.
212-255-5793. www.thekitchen.org/
Sat 28
Art Gallery TourMeet at 526 West 26th St.
1 p.m. $25
Visit seven galleries in the world’s center for contemporary art to catch exhibit in painting, sculpture, electronic media and photography.
917-250-0052. www.nygallerytours.com
1940s-Style Swing Dancing EventPier 86, Maritime Entertainment District
7:30 p.m. Starting at $35
Celebrate the music, dancing and style of the swing era with a spectacular lineup of over 90 performers. There will be a vintage fashion show and contest, a dance contest, swing dance performances and free dance lessons.
212-627-2020. www.hudsonriverpark.org/
Sun 29
Broadway and 86th Street
1-5 p.m.
Twenty four tenors and sopranos will taken part in the 16th Annual Mario Lanza and Elaine Malbin vocal competitions will be judged by a panel of experts, including Malbin. The competitions are the largest outdoor competitions in the country.
212-764-6330. www.mortandray.com
Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal The Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Ave.
2 p.m. Starting at $10
One of Canada’s most popular dance companies, captivating audiences with sexy, explosive, and original performances.
212-691-9740. www.joyce.org/
Mon 30
Memorial Day CommemorationSoldiers’ & Sailors’ Monument, Riverside Drive and West 89th Street
10 a.m.-noon, free
The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Memorial Association invites everyone to attend this year’s annual Memorial Day observance.
Scherezade Garcia IN TRANSIT/LIQUID HIGHWAYMiller Theatre at Columbia University, 2960 Broadway, at 116th St.
Noon. Free
Scherezade Garcia creates contemporary allegories of history, politics, and colonization, which take shape in vivid colors and energetic, dream-like combinations.
212-854-1633. millertheatre.com
Tue 31
Shaping Smart Cities: Where From? Where To? What’s Missing?New School, Starr Foundation Hall, University Center, 63 Fifth Ave.
2:30-5 p.m. Free
A panel discussion on the role of data and the “smart” city from the intersecting perspectives of three sectors, the public, the private and the intermediary, each actively engaged and committed to speaking cross-sector to one another searching for the “smarter” city.
Manhattan Chamber PlayersEngelman Recital Hall, Baruch College, 55 Lexington Ave,
7 p.m. $20; students and children, free
A program of works by Johannes Brahms and Antonín Dvořák.
Wed 1
16th Street Book ClubCenter for Jewish History, 15 West 16th St.
7 p.m. Free
A discussion of “The Seven Good Years,” by Etgar Keret. Bring your books or e-reading devices with you. RSVP recommended via email, at mhaier@cjh.org
212-294-8301. cjh.org/bookclub.
HONORING NEPAL IN POETRY AND FILMRubin Museum of Art, 150 West 17th St.
6–8:30 p.m. $15; members, $13.50
South Asian poet Yuyutsu Sharma and film director Amitabh Joshi host an evening program dedicated to Nepal. Sharma will read poems and will be followed by a screening of Joshi’s film “Tashi’s Turbine.” There will be a book signing and director Q&A.
212-620-5000. www.rubinmuseum.org